Buddhist Practice

Buddha Rocks

By chanting Nam-Myoho-Renge-Kyo we become at one with the Universal Law and unlock the potential for Buddhahood which exists in us all.

Our daily practice of chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo enables us to elevate our life condition to take on and overcome all the obstacles that life seems to throw at us.

While we practice to manifest absolute happiness in our own lives, we are also making the cause for world peace and happiness for all living beings.

To download a copy of “An Introduction To Nichiren Buddhism” click HERE

“Out of all the religions and philosophies I have encountered in my life, Buddhist theory is the one that makes sense and the only one to answer my questions in a rational way. Nichiren Buddhism is one way to put this theory into practice. It is simple and effective. Chant Nam Myoho Renge Kyo to achieve absolute happiness in your life. Do it anywhere, any time, as often as you like - just do it!” - Roddy McKay

Practicing Nichiren Buddhism


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