How To Chant

Buddha Rocks

Buddha - a person who is enlightened to the true nature of life. A Buddha exists in the highest possible life condition and leads others to enlightenment with absolute faith, courage and compassion.

Butsudan - This is where we enshrine our Gohonzon. It can be a simple cabinet or an ornate piece of furniture. The primary purpose is to protect the scroll within from sunlight, air pollution and UFOs.

Gohonzon - This is a scroll which depicts the Buddha’s enlightened life. It is not merely a piece of paper but is like a mirror that reflects our potential for Buddhahood.

Gongyo - refers to the practice carried out twice daily in the morning and evening.

Karma - Our karma represents, at any given moment, the effect on our lives of every thought, word and action we have made since the beginning of time - good and bad.

We can change the effects of our negative past into a positive future through the practice of Nichiren Buddhism.

Kosen-Rufu is the word used to express the concept of sharing the practice of Nichiren Buddhism with others to create value and happiness in their lives and environment.

The Lotus Sutra is the “supreme sutra” that reveals the fact that all people have the potential for Buddhahood and are encouraged to lead others to enlightenment.

Nichiren Daishonin is the True Buddha who, in the 13th century, inscribed the Gohonzon and revealed the fact that we can all attain enlightenment in this lifetime by chanting Nam Myoho Renge Kyo.

Shoten Zenjin are the positive forces in the universe that help and protect us when we strive to raise our life condition.

Shakabuku is the word used to describe the process of introducing others to Nichiren Buddhism.

Go on - BUST IT!



“what do all those funny words mean?”

Buddha Rocks Jargon Buster


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